The curious case of ShareLink with plain text strings

I’m currently playing with ShareLink, a lot, for my upcoming app SharePal. And I couldn’t miss this very strange and inconsistent behavior I got with it. Specifically when providing a string as an item.

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ShareLink is an iOS 16+ SwiftUI view that allows to create a Share Button in your app. It packs all the logic of the previously known UIActivityViewController but with a more declarative form like expected for a SwiftUI view.

struct ContentView: View {
    let url = URL(string: "")!

    var body: some View {
        // Share this blog post
        ShareLink(item: url)
A ShareLink example on simulator

The most simple ShareLink

You can also provide a ViewBuilder closure after the ShareLink, to customize the content of the Share button:

struct ContentView: View {
    let url = URL(string: "")!

    var body: some View {
        // Share this blog post
        ShareLink(item: url) {
            Label("Share this story…", systemImage: "bolt.fill")
A ShareLink example on simulator

A ShareLink can be customized just like a standard Button or Link

ShareLink can take any Transferable value as an item. But to provide more info to the Activity Sheet, ShareLink comes with three extra parameters: subject, message and preview.

But this is where it start to become confusing:

The curious case of string sharing

I’ve ran into a pitfall. While I was sharing simple strings, I would expect string actions to be presented, including the “Copy” option.

But at some point during the development, the Copy option disappeared. And it looks like a bug from Apple on that part.

This is what I experienced, passing a simple string as an item:

Simple ShareLinkShareLink with a subjectShareLink with a preview
Preview is present, and all actions including copy
Preview is absent, but with all actions including copy
Custom preview is present, copy action is missing

Not only the preview would break the default behavior for sharing my String, but also passing a subject without a preview would break the default preview.

I naturally filled FB13202238.

AirDrop, the rising star?

I’m a huge fan of AirDrop, and I use it whenever I have the chance. And it mostly work great.

But when sharing a piece of text … it opens, and put the text in a file that is impossible to open by default.

And it’s a behavior I also witnessed with custom files types, exported by the app itself: the file is created in the, and nothing, not even a popup, allow us to open our custom app instead of the default

It’s sad, because it prevent to create better share experiences when using AirDrop for our customers. So I also filled FB13202276.

Shouldn’t everything be an URL?

Share and AirDrop work great for URLs, and URLs are often the way to go for sharing data.

It unlocks App Clip capability, and with a webapp, it offers compatibility for any phone (including Android) to access the shared information.

And with Universal Links, it’s transparent for customers that have your app installed to be redirected to your app.

But it requires a server, a back-end for the storage, and a front-end for the webapp. And unless you use an end-to-end encrypted approach, you’ll have to deal with user data as well.

Using URLs and end-to-end encrypted data is the approach I’ve chosen for Padlok

But for SharePal, even encrypted, I do not want to deal with data on my servers. So I’ll have to stick with the “broken airdrop with text”. Unless Apple fixes my radars 🙃

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