Indie Diary #1 — Indie App Sales

I never really related about my indie apps journey until now in this blog. And that’s a miss because there is so much things to share!

Today, I’ll take some time to discuss Padlok participation to the Indie App Sales earlier this week, how it did, and what we learned in those two days!

Padlok app icon


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The sale

This July 11th and 12th, a big sales organized by Matt Corey was organized, with more than 100 participating indie apps!

Indie App Sales marketing material

Among those apps: Padlok, offering Padlok Premium at a reduced fare:

Before the sale started, I took time to write a press release, but I had no time to reach the press itself. And I figured with the number of apps participating, the press would write about the event, and I was right: 9to5mac, macstories, 512pixels and others wrote about the event, but as I expected also, Padlok was never mentioned.

I expected it because a lot of applications participated the sale, including very successful apps.

But also because Padlok really is a niche app, targeting people living in cities where there are a lot of extra info to associate with addresses, like door codes. Very common in Paris and in France, it’s almost inexistant in foreign countries, making the app basically an over-engineered address book app with no use-case for most.

Even sadder, the image picked by 9to5mac is not even showing Padlok’s app icon. Even if it wouldn’t have made any difference, something in my heart broke a little when I noticed.

Most of the visibility for Padlok during the event came from Mastodon, where I have knocked out messages during the whole event.

The outcome

Taking into account the visibility, and the public of Padlok, it went pretty well during the sale.

Weekly impression on the App Store increased by 85%, and product page views increased by 344%!

Conversion rate also have increased by 19%, and I had twice as much download as usual.

Regarding the purchases, I had no new subscription at all. All the purchases were “one time lifetime” purchases.

It tends to confirm that even if the subscription model provide a better visibility for earnings; it’s less popular than lifetime one-time purchases. And I can relate to that.

Lessons learned

As a final word, I’d say that I’m more motivated than ever for upcoming tasks. We surely had hopped to do better results, but we’re already grateful for what we have achieved already with Padlok, and we are learning so much in the process that it’ll hopefully end up well!

Padlok app icon


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